Week 5: 16 - 23 March [Continued AR Prototype, Atlantic crossing]

Moving on from use of the Kinect v1, I returned to my earlier prototypes made using Vuforia.

Of the prototypes created so far, testers seemed to respond most to the virtual buttons and being able to directly interact with them.

I began designing scene ideas which would allow the user to interact with buttons, while also displaying information regarding the airship to the user.

Using the R34’s maiden voyage across the Atlantic as the basis for the scene, I took the opportunity to use software new to me and produced low detail models of the Western Europe and USA, using blender.
Not having experience in modelling, creating the models did produce a few minor issues. The most significant of which was the model appearing to be transparent in Unity when viewed from certain angles. After consulting forums, I found that a portion of the models normal were inverted – this was rectified in blender and reimported into Unity correctly.

I applied the simple shader made as part of my earlier prototypes to improve the visual quality of the scene.

This required even further research into the history of the airship – identifying the most important points from the transatlantic journey and including them within the scene.

I added markers between the continents to signify the location at which each event occurred and as an indication for the route the user should steer. To indicate when a marker had been reached I produced a particle system within unity to highlight the area.

When the default Unity camera was replaced with the Vuforia ARcam all UI elements began behaving erratically on playing the scene. Swapping back to a default Unity camera resolved this issue – meaning that the ARcam or components it relies on were to blame.
Elements would appear to be non-functional or produce a different outcome within the Unity editor in both scene and game view. The issue was made worse by unpredictable outcomes as the size, scale, delay or failure of the particle systems would not occur consistently. Each would be affected differently each time the database trigger image was detected, making identifying the problem a lengthier process.

The database image itself was also not the issue. I tested multiple 5-star rated images (maximum rating for reliability of detection), all shared the issues.
I ruled out the device camera being the cause for this by testing the scene with three webcams of various qualities.
I re-wrote my scripts to ensure there were no issues that had gone undetected by visual studio. After ensuring the code was functional, I confirmed that each effect was being triggered by substituting the particle systems for rotating the markers and printing strings to the console.

Next, I consulted the Vuforia documentation and developer forums, finding examples of other users with similar issues, with Vuforia developers advising this was a problem that was being addressed in future updates. However, I found one comment advising that the size of the effect being randomised was an issue with scale.
Assessing my own project with this advice, I paused the scene in the Unity editor once the database image target had been recognised by the webcam and found that when the particle systems were not appearing, they were being triggered, but their scale was being set relative to their parent object and not to world space – meaning they were playing inside their parent, not visible to the user.
Once known, I altered the particle systems scaling mode to scale with hierarchy, so that each will  sets their size and distribution to be identical inside their parent and database image target and out of it.
After testing within Unity and on the mobile device multiple times, this resolved both scale and positioning issues.

To display the information when a marker was reached I initially used a Unity canvas to display text, using a world space canvas to keep the text relative to the trigger image and a script to rotate the text to always face the ARcam position.
After testing the scene, I learned that canvas text cannot be directly instantiated on recognition of the database trigger image, as the rest of the game objects are. I decided to substitute the canvas text element for 3Dtext game objects in Unity. While the canvas text could have been triggered through use of a script, 3Dtext allows for more straightforward positional editing in Unity and removing the script which had made the element face the ARcam amplified the virtual 3D effect.
When displayed in scene the text elements were pixelated and of very low quality. I was made aware of 3Dtext from the Vuforia developer forums, having never used it before.
I found the solution to this was to set the default text size to a much larger figure, then amend the character size proportionally down to give text the same size as initially intended, but with a far sharper font.

I noticed that when trying to replace the virtual button materials with images to indicate their purpose, users were confused when they could no longer see their hands. I found that this is because Vuforia renders the children of the most recently detected database image a layer higher than any model already loaded (nothing of the real world is rendered ahead of any rendered object.
I researched methods of hiding objects when the user moves their hands ‘through’ a model. After reviewing methods of detecting the hand from a mobile device and Vuforia forums, it is clear it is not possible on a single mobile device. Multiple cameras would be required to provide positional data to an advanced shader.
Instead, I will reduce the alpha value of the virtual button images, so users can still see their hand relative to the controls.

To add to this design, a scene following the Atlantic crossing will be triggered when the ship reaches the USA – as my research identified an event during the landing with potential to be converted to an interactive scene. By using Unity scene management, a new scene can be loaded and new ARcam instantiated to recognise the same database image target, but trigger the instantiation of different assets.
Testing shows this functions, but initially I had issues loading different assets from a database image even when using different ARcams. Both models would attempt to load randomly resulting in either one of two scenes loading, or both, followed shortly by the editor crashing.
I attempted to prevent this error by editing the ARcam prefab, limiting its simultaneous detection to a single database image at any one time. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem as the single image was set to load assets for both scenes.

Later, I read through the events of the R34 logbook, selecting relevant information to be displayed in the application throughout the voyage:

I then tried editing the ARcam behaviour script, limiting it to trigger only the first set of assets that are loaded. While working on this approach and browsing the Vuforia ARcam documentation, I learned that any ARcam with the same licence key will reference the same image targets. I then edited the licence key of the camera in following scene, which then allowed loading of separate assets from the same image as intended.
To try and maintain a sense of continuity I also set the airship model to not destroy on load, so it will appear to make the journey, then land smoothly.

Now that this scene is in place, next week I will continue research into working with object permanence and moving objects relative to world space.


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